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Our Aim

We aim to gather all like-minded individuals with a passion in entrepreneurship, a platform to explore, learn, network, and grow!

CCA ID: 00000099

About Us

Here at Sandbox Advocates, we gather like-minded individuals who have a passion and believe in the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation together. We provide endless opportunities to expose these individuals to real-world industries and equip them with the necessary skill sets to succeed in their exploration of the future.


Be part of us today!

Our mission is to promote and cultivate the innovation and entrepreneurship culture around Singapore. Our existence is to inspire our fellow Advocates to become world-ready, critical-thinking individuals with a passion for changing the world.​


Over here, you will get the best resources and mentors to guide you through your entrepreneurship journey. It's never too early, and it's never too late. 

Our Committee

The people behind The Sandbox Advocates



The welfare subcomittee is the heart of compassion and care within TSBA! The Welfare Department is dedicated to ensuring the well-being and happiness of all our Advocates. Our goal is to foster a sense of belonging and support within the TSBA community.


Events: ideaSLAM! & TEDxYouth@NgeeAnnPolytechnic

idea!SLAM is Singapore's largest pre-university idea pitching competition, and we are open to students across all tietiary institutions.
TEDxYouth@NgeeAnnPolytechnic is an independently organized TED conference that is seen at a national level!



At the Development Committee, our priority is organizing meaningful events for our fellow Advocates to discover their interests and future careers and cultivate a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation. Here, we frequently plan events like learning journeys and panel talks!



At the Marketing Committee, we are the behind-the-scene people. What you see on social media is put together by the Marketing Committee. We take pictures, film videos, edit posters, and more. Basically, all our visuals are done by the Committee!


We're here for you,
for the
endless opportunities.

Together, we are the team behind The Sandbox Advocates. We worked behind the scenes to bring out the best events for you to grow and achieve your ultimate objectives in the community.

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